Sunday, April 6, 2008

academics week March 31-April 4

I just wrote a whole blog, and then it accidentally deleted!!!!! boo. It was intense with the philosophy too. I refuse to write it all again, sorry. Today is a BEAUTIFUL day so I went for ice cream and a long walk. Also, we went to the Eastern Orthodox church this morning where our classmate Landon attends, it was very beautiful!
We had two philosophy classes this week, went to the Art gallery, and wrote a bunch of papers! One week of classes left- I can't believe it!
I have all my rough drafts done for this week's assignments. I'll be handing in two research papers and one creative piece for lit which we'll read out loud to the class. There are also two other presentations, in Science and Scriptures (the scriptures one is no big deal though). Somehow, I have to find time to start studying, since we have 7 exams the next week....

I'm going to eat supper and read my book!

love love love love love,

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