Thursday, April 26, 2007

Home Again, Home Again!

Hey Everyone,
well we returned home safely on April 18th, and after a week of rest I'm feeling a bit more ready to start thinking about things like work, next fall etc. Its good to be home, but I am definitely missing all the fun times in Europe, too!
I've put a whole bunch of pictures up on a different internet site, so if you have facebook you can go see them or you can just click on these links:

I'm not sure whether I'll put any more updates on this blog or not, the posts may slow down a bit until my next overseas trip!

God Bless,

Monday, April 16, 2007


Hello! Wow- only a couple of days left here in Europe! Craaaaazy. We got here to Stuttgart on Thursday, and we´re staying with Sarah Weiler who went to Capernwray with the girls. She went to classes on Friday and we three went with another guy from Capernwray, Patrick, for a hike through the woods and up to a castle called Solitude schloss. The weather here has been soooooo amayingly beautiful, I can't even believe it! Yesterday we finally got smart and actually put on some sunscreen, to keep from getting sunburnt yet again. Anyway, we went to a town called Tübingen for the weekend, a beautiful old town with a river running through it, on which we went for a paddle boat ride. We found the most beautiful chocolate shop, a little french place- wow everything in there was amazingly beautiful and interesting, like chocolate with Curry and Peppers in it? Too bad it was too expensive for us to buy any to try. We went to Sarah's parents' home for the rest of the weekend, which was so good. They are a very beautiful family, so generous and kind and welcoming. We were well fed too! :) We got to meet some of Sarah's friends, and yesterday went to church with her and saw about 10 people get baptized which was cool. Now we're back in Stuttgart, and today we plan on doing a little shopping at a chocolate factory where it is apparently very cheap! hahaha. We'll also probably do a little sightseeing, and go out for supper, and have a relaxing girls' night here at Sarah's. We're having so much fun here, but sadly tomorrow we'll head to Frankfurt for our last night in Europe! If you guys haven't looked at the pictures on Sheri's blog, you should do so, I don't have quite enough time to put any of my own on yet. I have thousands of pictures to sort through when I get home!

Love love love love

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Back In Munich!

Hey everyone! So our time in Interlaken, Switzerland was pretty much incredible! The weather was BEAUTIFUL (I got another sunburn-oops!) and we did some super fun stuff such as kayaking and PARAGLIDING. We jumped off a mountain and flew through the air. We have pictures to prove it, which is good because I´m still somewhat in unbelief myself! Last night we had a campfire and it was all homey and BCish, what with the mountains, the lake, the birds chirping, night falling, the fire crackling. This morning we caught a bus at 6 in the morning, and took a train back here to Munich, just for one night. Its a really nice city, and I think that we´re planning on going to the Dachau concentration camp tomorrow before heading off to Stuttgard. Ahhhh one week left! Hope everyone is having fun studying for exams! (okay sorry that was kinda mean) I´ll eat some chocolate and think of you ;)

love love love

Thursday, April 5, 2007


Hello, I'm in Munich! Hope you're all doing well, I kinda wish I could be home for Easter. Hopefully we can find some sort of a church to go to on Sunday? We'll go to Vienna on Saturday.... Life is fantastic!

Monday, April 2, 2007


Hey Everyone! So I realize I haven't posted a blog in a while..... just thought i'd tell everyone that we're all alive and well, and lovin' life. We're heading to Munich in just a couple of hours (night train) where we'll be staying with some friends of Stephanie's. From there we plan on hitting Vienna and then goign back to Germany for the last leg of our trip! Ahh!!! Prague is where we are at the moment, and its a very beautiful city. All of the buildins- wow! We spent 3 days there, and pretty much just wandered the streets the whole time. The weather has been beautiful, and time is flying! I'm always thinking of everyone at home, I'll get to see you soon!