Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Back In Munich!

Hey everyone! So our time in Interlaken, Switzerland was pretty much incredible! The weather was BEAUTIFUL (I got another sunburn-oops!) and we did some super fun stuff such as kayaking and PARAGLIDING. We jumped off a mountain and flew through the air. We have pictures to prove it, which is good because I´m still somewhat in unbelief myself! Last night we had a campfire and it was all homey and BCish, what with the mountains, the lake, the birds chirping, night falling, the fire crackling. This morning we caught a bus at 6 in the morning, and took a train back here to Munich, just for one night. Its a really nice city, and I think that we´re planning on going to the Dachau concentration camp tomorrow before heading off to Stuttgard. Ahhhh one week left! Hope everyone is having fun studying for exams! (okay sorry that was kinda mean) I´ll eat some chocolate and think of you ;)

love love love


Anonymous said...

Hey Starr - I am happy to see you are cramming as much fun as possible into your last few weeks! Yay for paragliding!! I hope you thought of me while sailing around up there. See you very soon..

Anonymous said...

Tell Sherri her pictures are awesome! Especially of flying high above the town and the lake, with Alps surrounding -- wow!
~Mum & Dad