Monday, April 2, 2007


Hey Everyone! So I realize I haven't posted a blog in a while..... just thought i'd tell everyone that we're all alive and well, and lovin' life. We're heading to Munich in just a couple of hours (night train) where we'll be staying with some friends of Stephanie's. From there we plan on hitting Vienna and then goign back to Germany for the last leg of our trip! Ahh!!! Prague is where we are at the moment, and its a very beautiful city. All of the buildins- wow! We spent 3 days there, and pretty much just wandered the streets the whole time. The weather has been beautiful, and time is flying! I'm always thinking of everyone at home, I'll get to see you soon!


smash11 said...

Well Starr it is about time! Just joking. I thought you ladies had fallen of the face of the world or something. Anyways I hope you guys are having fun. I'm can't wait till you guys get back and you can tell me all about your trip. Take it easy!

robyn said...

Mmmmmm.... Prague. I was just cleaning house and I found a picture from the Charles Street Bridge. So beautiful! How's your Czech? "Dobra den". (no idea how to spell that.)