Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Reading week was an overall sucess- for the first half I pretty much just immersed myself in work. I finished my music paper, did research and wrote the first draft of my philosophy paper (on Pascal and restlessness), and read our book for Book Club (Charles Williams' All Hallow's Eve-its creepy but i like it). Then on Thursday Jenny and I went to Toronto and stayed with our classmate Rosie and her family. It was much needed and so much fun!!! We went snowboarding, toured the city, went cross-country skiing, ate at a nice restaurant, did some karaoke, sauna-d, and overall just relaxed! I loved seeing the city- its really cool and although I would never want to live there forever, for a short time while you're young I can see how it would be really fun.

Anyway now we're back at the grindstone at school. Dr. Tingley extended the deadline for our philosophy paper but we have many other assignments right on its tail so I'm going to hand mine in on the original date, I think.

I've been doing research on George McDonald tonight, I hope to write something about him for my lit paper which i just found out is worth 60% of our mark!!! eek, scary. The rest of tonight will be spent trying to find something to write on for our Scriptures paper (which is only worth 40%...). I can hear Jenny whispering Augustine outloud, so I'm assuming she's trying to do the same thing!

Last night Ben and Martine and I went skating on the canal- the ice is completely done. It didn't help that it had been snowing all day and hadn't been cleared, but even the ice itself is super soft and it was painfully slow- glide time was about 1 second. :( too bad. But on the other hand, I am definitely ready for spring....anytime... seriously...



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