I just got in from snowboarding with Peter, Ben, and Stephen from my class. Harold, who has loaned us his van while he's away, will be getting back this week so it was now or never. There is a pretty decent hill only half an hour away and on saturday night the student 2 for 1 price is $11.50! So sweet. I was really tired but I perked up eventually and I'm really glad we went! My eyes aren't focusing very well though so this will be short.
It was actually kind of a crappy week. Nothing bad happened per se, which was why I was getting really frustrated with myself for feeling sad and irritable. I think the fresh air and excercise and lack of thought about school was definitely the best thing for me tonight.
Speaking of school, I haven't done an update for a while so here's an abbreviated version:
In philosophy we've covered Descartes, Pascal, and Hume. This week is Kant. Its super cool to be getting into modern philosophers!!! I wrote my paper on pascal and really enjoyed it. As research I read a book by Peter Kreeft called Christianity for Modern Pagans which was really good. Its basically just a heavily footnoted version of Pascal's Pensees. (I also used a paper by a local professor but I think it would only be good if you'd read the Pascal first).

We're up to 17th C catholic art in Art History (yes, I know we're slow!) and next week we're going to the national gallery for class which i'm so excited for!!! I'm also going to have to start writing that paper this week...hmmmm I don't know what to write it on. Maybe Dutch/Flemish school? Or maybe something about the High Renaissance. Raphael and Michelangelo et al are so huge that he kinda skipped over them quickly, I think since he knew we could learn about them on our own if we so wished. (this Picture is of the 'wheel of fortune'. Its more connected to philosophy, when we studied Machiavelli and such... but I think its really funny!

Anyway, our science classes have been pretty good. People are doing presentations about evolutionary arguments and they've been doing a really good job so far. Mine will be on DNA, but later on in the semester. And Dr. Metelski lectured on Galileo and Newton this week... we're getting close to Einstein where things really will start to get interesting! :)
Latin is latin. I'm trying to not spend a ridiculous amount of time on it even though you easlily could if you wanted to know everything. Its just not worth it, especially since I can do fine with just a decent amount of work! haha.
We heard presentations this week in music class as well. Kendra talked about the French Revolution, Susan talked about Napoleon, and Stephen talked about the Industrial revolution. Prof. Warren said we needed historical background and he though it would be nice if he didn't have to teach it for once haha. THen he talked about the transition to the Romantic era from Classical and it was a super long lecture with no break and we hardly listened to any music but at the end of class he remembered that we have our midterm this coming wednesday and he had questions on there he hadn't lectured on yet so he quickly did so- basically handing us answers to two of the questions that will be on there! It was great.

We talked about G.K.Chesterton's THe Man Who Was Thursday again this week- such a great/weird book! Now I have to read Brueckner's Godric for this thursday...

Scriptures was scriptures. we looked at Luther's introduction to the new testament.
'nuff said.
We began the official Rhetoric section in Trivium. He talked about why it is kind of a lost skill today and should be taught at school, and then we started watching a video called 'the Four Horsemen" of a conversation between four really well-known atheists: Dawkins, Hitchins, Dennet, and Harris. For next week we need to watch the first hour of it, because its important that we keep in mind what we sound like to non-christians when we're trying to say something about religion. Then we have to write a bit about something that is important to us, defending it. I think this section will be really awesome but its kinda hard to know how much work to put into it since its only a pass/fail class. I guess there's "always time for more homework at Augustine College" (that should be their motto. "Semper tempus mas homeworkus in Collegia Augustina est" if you want to Latinize it).
Here's the link to that Dawkins et al conversation:
Okay that's enough about school. Since I took today off as my 'sabbath', I'll be hitting the library tomorrow after church, so lets hope for some productivity! There are about 5 books I need to read, 2 papers to edit, and 2 to write. yipee!!
peace and love
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