Friday, January 19, 2007

I love Dublin

hey everyone!! Well today marks the 4th day we've been here in Dublin. It's been super fun!! Aside from getting lost alot on the south side of the Liffey river because none of the streets go north/south or east/west, our time here has been great so far! Its so much fun to just be able to do and see whatever we want! On our second night in Dublin we hung out in the hostel for a bit and played pingpong with a guy from Strasbourg named Matthieu. Then later on we went out to a pub in the Temple Bar area and heard an AMAZING little 4 piece band. (accordion, fiddle, guitar, boran!) ahhh they were so good. We went up and danced which was super fun, but unfortunately we didn't get there til later and the pubs close around midnight here so they quit playing far too soon!! (i think we heard about 25 minutes). Yesterday we wanted to go see some Irish dancing and live music, but the place wasnt' all it was cracked up to be, so we ended up going back to the same place to hear some music. We connected with my friend Riaz from Swift, who is going to med. school here. It was really fun to hang out, and he gave us some useful info like how to catch our train to Galway ( where we're going tomorrow!!!) He also got us in to see the book of Kells for free today-- so cool. During the days we've been checking out the sights (saw St. Patrick's cathedral yesterday). We've also just been buying groceries and making ourselves supper, which is super cheap and fun. Things are really expensive here, especially eating out (a typical meal costs arouns 15 euro, which is about 25 bucks. even a burger and fries from Burger King is like 6.25 euro!!) so its sweet that we can cook at our hostel. We're now staying at Abraham House which is on the North side of the river. It's really clean and our room rocks, we even have our own shower!! Must run, people are waiting for the computer....


Natasha said...

Hey Starr,

I'm glad to hear you gals are having a great time. It sounds like Ireland pretty sweet. I hope you guys keep having tons of fun. Take care!

robyn said...

It sounds like so much fun! It also sounds like you weren't hit by that dreadful storm that blew trains off of tracks and trees through windows in London. Phew! That could throw a wrench into your plans!
Love you!