Thursday, February 22, 2007


Hey everyone! I'm already overtime on my computer usage here, but I thought Id let you know that we made it safely to Florence tonight. This morning we left Monterosso, I'll tell you all about that later, and we to Pisa to see the tower. We seriously took pictures for an hour! haha it was so fun though, the tower is really funny when you actually see it. Then we got on the wrong train and went to some little town about an hour and a quarter out of Pisa, turned around and went back to Pisa, and then finally got to Florence. By then the info. booth was closed, but we found our hostel anyway only to find that it was full!! So we're in a little place right on the same street that is actually pretty nice, it just is more like a hotel and doesn't have breakfast or the fun, meet-people, hostel atmosphere. So in the morning we'll go back to the hostel to see if they have room for us tomorrow night, and then we'll go explore Firenze! Italy is so cool, I love it so far, but I really wish I could speak Italian! Ill be even more lost in Greece.....

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