Saturday, February 24, 2007

Firenze- hooray for culture!

Today we got up to try to get to the Uffizzi Art gallery as early as possible, since yesterday as we walked by there was a huge line-up. Well we didn't end up getting there until 10.30, and the line up was huuuuuuuuger than yesterday! We later found out that this was because instead of opening at 8.15 like it usually does, it had been closed for a meeting and didn't open til 10.45. Luckily there were some cool girls to chat with standing right in front of us, so we waited in line for 2 was definitely worth it! I saw artwork that I've seen prints of all my life! El Greco, Michelangelo, Rafael, Da Vinci.... wow it was super cool. After the gallery, we were starving so we found a cute little restaurant and I had some pasta (yum!) Then we found a market which was super fun to shop in! The funniest part though was when Stephanie and Sheri were looking at sunglasses that these guys were selling when suddenly, wham, they closed up their tables and collapsed their stands and ran around the corner! we were like 'umm...... where are they going?' and then we turned around and saw the police strolling by! So apparently these ppl don't have business permits and/or their sunglasses are stolen! I am really enjoying Florence, I cannot wait to tell you guys about it and put some pictures on here. Tonight we're goign to go to a concert at a church (mezzo soprano, violin, organ) that we think is free, so that should be fun. Maybe we'll hit up a gelato stand on the way there??
love love love

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Starr - we are delighted that Italy seems to be much more civilized re internet access for poor hostel-ers. We love reading the blogs of all 3 S Club members. I am so jealous you got to see an Italian art gallery!!!!! And a concert tonight -- I'll bet the mezzo sings only in Italian, haha. Take care, and hope you get to Rome somehow tomorrow. (What is Plan B for holders of eurorail passes when the rail system is on strike?!)
Love, Mum