Monday, February 5, 2007

So I just went to look at Steph's blog, and I realized that she's pretty much the most amazing blogger ever. I realize that I haven't exactly been putting details into my entries, and they're probably a little confusing sometimes because I forget what I have and have not written, so I just thought I'd tell ya that if you really want to know what we've been up to, read Stephanie's blog! The link to it is at the very bottom of this page.


Anonymous said...

That's okay. I love reading yours just because it from YOU! Love you and miss you. So glad you're enjoying yourself. I pray for you guys every day.

Anonymous said...

Hey Starr, It's your bro in law here Chris. :) Just wanted to say that I am praying ofr you guys all the time too. It sounds like you guys are really enjoying yourseves a lot, and that is great to hear. Keep the blogging up my dear and we'll see ya when ya get back. :) Take care, God Bless.


Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.